Thursday, February 20, 2014

11 months

Elizabeth was 11 months old on January 26th!

Stats: weight is around 19 lbs. 

Milestones: stands on her own for a few seconds

Behaviors: Into everything, loves to play with her toys, claps

Sleep: Still a great sleeper! 

Clothes: 12 month everything except a couple 9 month shirts and onsies

Likes: giving kisses, playing with her baby dolls, giving her baby dolls kisses, baby stroller and puppy walker

Dislikes: having things taken away from her 

Favorite Moments: playing with friends, becoming more independent

Most Challenging: becoming more independent :)

Looking forward to: First birthday party!

Friday, January 3, 2014

10 months

Stats: about the same as 9 months because here appointment was at about 9.5 months

Milestones: Saying da- da, taking a few steps while holding on to something (9.5 months), walking with a walker, started eating a few foods that aren't pureed, ate turkey and mash potatos at Thanksgiving

Behaviors: She makes the cutest face when she looks at you and sniffs. She thinks it's really funny. So when she wants your attention, she will sniff!

Sleep: Still a great sleeper! Naps and nighttime were thrown off a couple times due to a cold and traveling.

Clothes: 9 months, some 12 month pjs

Likes: sniffing at people, putting her head on mommy and daddys shoulder to snuggle for a minute, her sippy cup, turkey, cheese, mash potatoes, climbing on everything

Dislikes: Getting her nose wiped

Favorite Moments: DISNEY CRUISE!!! Christmas with all her family on both sides

Most Challenging: Flying with a screaming baby, colds

Looking forward to: Getting back to a normal routine

9 months

Elizabeth turned 9 months on November 26th! Here are her stats

Stats: 18 lbs. 6 oz. 28.5 in. At her check up she is 25 percentile in weight, 50 percentile for her head, and 75 percentile for height.

Milestones: Started saying ma - ma

Behaviors: loves to get into anything and everything, loves to give high fives, puts everything in her mouth, makes silly sounds, moves her hands up and down making silly faces, toothy grins

Sleep: Sleeps an average of 11 to 11.5 hrs a night!! Naps are usually 2- 1.5 hr (morning and afternoon), occasional cat nap in the evening

Clothes: 9 month

Likes: Chewing on everything, pulling on everything she can, exploring everything, crawling from room to room, talking, puffs, giving high fives, 

Dislikes: basically anytime she has to stay still, getting her nose cleaned when she had a cold

Favorite Moments: Thanksgiving in Kansas City, meeting cousin Reagan for the first time

Most Challenging: First cold, not fun! Poor baby had a cold and got on antibiotics for croup and an ear infection over Thanksgiving then a week later got sick again. It was a long 3 weeks! We hated seeing her so sick 

Looking forward to: Christmas and Disney cruise over Christmas

Sunday, November 17, 2013

8 months!

Elizabeth was 8 months old on October 26th (few weeks late in posting!)

Stats: Around 18 1/2 lbs.

Milestones: In between month 7 and 8 has been the month of milestones! Crawling (very fast), sitting back up from crawling position, pulling up in her crib, bottom two teeth

Behaviors: pretty much the same as last month- loves to be the center of attention! Talks all the time, loves to be tickled, pulls hair, necklaces- anything she can get her hands on, bouncing up and down when you sing to her, very inquisitive 

Sleep: Sleeps an average of 11 to 11.5 hrs a night!! Naps are usually 2- 1.5 hr (morning and afternoon) and 1 cat nap that is 45 min early evening

Clothes: 9 month

Likes: Chewing on everything, pulling on everything she can, exploring everything, crawling from room to room, talking, teething rings, puffs, yogurt melts, saltine crackers

Dislikes: going in her car seat, getting her diaper changed, basically anytime she has to stay still

Favorite Moments: Meeting Aunt Stephanie for the first time! Flying on a plane to see KC family,  spending a week in KC with grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins! Standing up

Most Challenging: TEETHING! Her bottom two teeth have come through, but she is still super fussy from those darn teeth! Blow out diaper on the airplane. Mommy getting really sick in KC. (daddy had to come get us because mommy was too sick to fly)

Looking forward to: Thanksgiving, Disney cruise over Christmas

Saturday, September 28, 2013

7 months!

Elizabeth was 7 months old on the 26th! My baby is growing up so fast, time is flying by!

Stats: 16 lbs. 3 oz. Not sure how tall, but I think she's really gotten longer the last few weeks

Milestones: Sitting up without assistance, crawling, baby food: pumpkin, sitting in the basket in a grocery buggy

Behaviors: squeals and makes all kinds of funny noises, loves to roll or crawl everywhere, entertainer (she loves to be a ham when people are watching her!), making silly noises with her mouth

Sleep: Sleeps an average of 11 hrs a night!! Naps are a bit hit or miss, but usually she has 2- 1.5 hr (morning and afternoon) and 1 cat nap that is 45 min early evening

Clothes: 6 month. Her 6 month pjs are almost too small, wearing a couple 6-9 month pjs, but everything else is 6 month size. 

Likes: Chewing on everything! Pulling mommy's hair, chewing on straws and teething rings, sweet potatoes, pears, bananas, pumpkins, making silly noises, being tickled, holding her bottle (hasn't quite got the hang of what to do with it), moving, pulling down on her bumpers so she can see what's going on

Dislikes: when a toy is out of reach, peas, being confined

Favorite Moments: Crawling!!! Moving her crib down (she's such a big girl now!), staying with one of mommy's friends while mommy substituted at ECS, watching her become more independent, watching her really play with her toys and favor certain ones

Most Challenging: TEETHING! Bless her heart, no teeth have come in, but she sure is fussy, watching her more carefully now that she is moving

Looking forward to: AUNT STEPHANIE COMING HOME!!!! (11 days!), Kansas City trip in mid October to see grandparents!

Happy baby

First time sitting in the basket in a buggy.

Playing before church

Sunday dinner at Mimi and Big Dawgs after church.

New bow from Aunt Betsy

Silly girl

7 months old!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

6 months

On August 26th, Elizabeth turned 6 months. The last month (between the 5th and 6th month) was my favorite so far. She has such a fun little personality!

Stats: 15 lbs. 6 oz, 25 in. Her weight is still in the 25-50 percentile, head is 50-75 percentile, and height is 50 pecentile. 

Milestones: Sitting up for a few second (mostly still with help), moving in circles to get to where she wants to go, five new kinds of baby food- Bananas, sweet potatoes, peas, apples, and pears

Behaviors: super busy all the time, everything goes in her mouth, loves to talk and babble, smiles at everyone

Sleep: Sleep is great! Sleeps an average of 11 hrs a night!! She even slept great when we went to Georgia over Labor Day.

Clothes: 6 month. Her 6 month pjs are almost too small, but everything else is 6 months size. 

Likes: Chewing on everything! She loves chewing on straws and teething rings, sweet potatoes, pears, bananas

Dislikes: when a toy is out of reach (tough life!) ,peas and apples. She is getting used to them but still doesn't care for them. 

Favorite Moments: First sleep over at Mimi and Big Dawgs, Road trip to GA for Labor Day, trying different baby foods

Most Challenging: This month was pretty challenge free! Like I said, my favorite month so far. (However, month 7 and proved to be challenging, stay tuned for that update ;) ). 

Elizabeth didn't quite understand that it was nap time!

Who knew tissue paper could be so fun?!

Somebody is super excited to be 6 months!

Andrew and his mini-me.

Give me more sweet potatoes!!

I love bananas!

My cute little patriotic girl!

Happy baby ready for breakfast.

I want to feed myself, mom!

Go Dawgs!

Elizabeth loves her Aunt Debbie.

Elizabeth and her friend Libby playing with their toys.
